Saturday, May 26, 2007

The J3 is ready to fly but the weather is a pain.

Well I was expecting a bigger paycheck this month due to a nice bit of overtime that I did. However it seems that envelope was lost as it sometimes happens so I will be payed a bigger pay cheque next month.

However this month we needed to do a number of things one of them was to buy a bed for my daughter that a friend will use while he gets himself set up here.

However my daughter has figured out this bed is hers and then if her mom or myself lie in her bed she then proceeds to grab our hair and push us out of the bed.

Although she did let me lie down with her in the bed so she is improving.

I am almost done with all the EOI forms. That will be another $300 for the application. So basically my jet building has ground to a halt. So I bought some propellers for my little Piper Cub trainer and a charger to charge the battery as we lost the original one between SA and NZ.

Well with the new propeller I decided to put a bigger pitch prop. Better improvement. Just throttle it up and she wants to take off. However there was to much wind today for me to test her again.

Another good thing with these new props is they are harder than the standard flat thing. So she should not break them as easily on rough landings, tendancy for this model to hook the ground with her undercarriage and nose dive.

Still looking at a way of putting a stronger undercarriage on without adding more weight to the plane.

If anyone is looking at buying the SDM Piper Cub J-3 model just bare in mind get better props for it and strengthen the undercarriage. The biggest flaws in this model.

Another mode I will be doing later is removing the rudder controls and putting the control to her wings later. Problem is she flies nicely however let a cross wind catch her make her yaw you can't really correct her and if you are close to the ground well she eats dirt and usually ends up breaking props.

But right now I have a feeling I might even be able to do a few loops and stuff with her. Just want to see how high I can get her so I have a nice safety margin should I have to correct her with the rudder control only.

I hope that the weather plays along tomorrow morning. Although if it does not we will be taking the munchkin to chipmunks to play a bit. Get her to burn some excess energy off.

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